Vision, Mission, Goals, Motto and Declaration of Service Standard

Vision of UB Postgraduate

To become a superior and internationally leading Postgraduate capable of producing Experts and Researchers in Multidisciplinary Issues (Interdisciplinary).

UB Postgraduate Missions
Based on this vision, the mission of the Multidisciplinary Postgraduate (Interdisciplinary) Universitas Brawijaya is as follows:

  1. Organizing education, research and Community Service in multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary fields.
  2. Implementing postgraduate education management that is effective and efficient in developing sustainable cooperation networks with industry, agencies and professional organizations both nationally and internationally to face global competition.
  3. Fostering an entrepreneurial spirit and professional ethics that are multidisciplinary (interdisciplinary) to students.

UB Postgraduate Objectives

In accordance with the vision and mission, the objectives of the Multidisciplinary Postgraduate (Interdisciplinary) are as follows:

  1. To produce master and doctoral graduates in multidisciplinary (interdisciplinary) scientific fields that meet SPMI standards in the fields of Education, Research and Community Service at levels 8 and 9 KKNI.
  2. Produce graduates who are able to develop knowledge, technology, and / or art (master) and / or new arts (doctorate) in their scientific field or professional practice through research, to produce innovative and tested work.
  3. Producing master and doctoral graduates who are able to solve problems in science, technology, and / or arts in their scientific fields through an interdisciplinary approach.
  4. To produce master and doctoral graduates who are able to manage research and development that are beneficial to society and science, and are able to get national and international recognition.
  5. To produce doctoral graduates who are able to manage, lead, and develop research and development that are beneficial to the benefit of mankind, and are able to get national and international recognition.


“Interdisciplinary Quest For Wisdom”


Declaration of Service Standard