Interdisciplinary Quest for Wisdom
Hukum Lingkungan
The objective of this course is to motivate student to question history and authority, expand student view of race, gender, class and the environmental to a global scale and perspective. Since the linking of social and environmental justice movement is relatively young this course will be an exciting opportunity to work as a group to clarify and promote the issues surrounding the environmental justice movement.
Mata kuliah ini juga dirancang untuk memahami perkembangan kebijakan dan hukum penyelenggaraan pengelolaan SDA & lingkungan hidup dalam rangka pembangunan berkelanjutan yang berwawasan lingkungan pada norma hukum dengan memperhatikan tingkat kesadaran masyarakat dan perkembangan lingkungan global serta perangkat hukum internasional yang berkaitan dengan SDA & lingkungan hidup. Menelaah tentang peraturan perundangan yang bersangkutan, yang tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai dengan masalah-masalah lingkungan yang aktual untuk memperoleh cara pengaturan dan implementasinya yang tepat serta menjawab tantangan-tantangan pada era otonomi daerah dan era globalisasi.
1. Bowen, William. 2002. “An Analytical Review of Environmental Justice Research: What do we really know?” Environmental Management 29 (1): 3-15.
2. Brechen S., P. Wilshuen, C. Fortwangler, P. West. 2003. “The Road Less Traveled: Towards Nature Protection with Social Justice.” In Contested Nature: Promoting International Biodiversity with Social Justice in the Twenty-firth Century. S. Brechen, P. Wilshuen, C. Fortwangler, P. West, eds, pp 251-270. Albany: State University of New York Press.
3. Brechen, P. Wilshuen, C. Fortwangler, P. West, eds. 2003. Contested Nature: Promoting International Biodiversity with Social Justice in the Twenty-first Century. Albany: State University of New York Press.
4. Fortwangler, C. 2003 “Incorporating Social Justice and Human Rights into Protected Area Policies”. In Contested Nature: Promoting International Biodiversity with Social Justice in the Twenty-firth Century. S. Brechen, P. Wilshuen, C. Fortwangler, P. West, eds, pp 25-40. Albany: State University of New York Press.
5. Keck, M. 1995. ‘Social Equity and Environmental Politics in Brazil: Lessons from the Rubber Tappers of Acre” Comparative Politics 27 (4): 409-424.
6. Pellow, David. 2000. “Environmental Inequality Formation,” American Behavioral Scientist 43(4): 581-601.
7. Peluso, Nancy Lee, 2000. “Coercing Conservation?: The Politics of State Resource Control” Global Environmental Change 3:2 (June):199-218.
8. Szasz, Andres and Michael Meusser. 2000. “Unintended, Inexorable: The Production of Environmental Inequalities in Santa Clara County, California,” American Behavioral Scientist 43(4): 602-632.
10. Taylor, Dorceta. 2000. Advances in Environmental Justice: Research, Theory, and Methodology. American Behavioral Scientist 43(4): 602-632
Benchmarking: Tropical Resources Institute. Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. YALE UNIVERSITY.