Analisis dan Pemantauan Lingkungan

Environmental Monitoring & Analysis


Course Description:

Introduction to sampling techniques and analytical methods to measure environmental contamination in air, water, soils, and food. Emphasis on instrument selection and quality control, including documentation, calibration, and sample management.

Course Objectives: Monitoring is critical to the assessment of environmental hazards. Standard sampling and analytical techniques have been developed to assess contaminant levels for a variety of media, including water, air, and living systems. New analytical methods are also developed when existing methods are insufficient to quantify contaminant levels. The techniques for sampling, however, are fairly standard.

This course introduces sampling techniques and analytical methods for determining contaminant levels. Students will learn and practice many methods to be able to collect samples in their research and in their professions. Emphasis on quality control, including documentation, calibration, and sample management, will ensure that students can fully defend their data and can base good decisions on their measurements.

This course will consist of 2 hour of lecture and 3 hours of lab per week. At the end of this course, students will be able to: (1) Determine the analytical methods needed to collect environmental samples for a range of contaminants, (2) calibrate instruments, collect appropriate documentation, and ensure quality control/assurance on their work, (3) statistically analyze the resulting data, and (4) describe the biases inherent with each collection method/type.



Air Sampling Instruments for evaluation of atmospheric contaminants ACGIH, 2001, 9th ed.) (ASI)

Clesceri, L.S. Greenberg, A.E. and Eaton, A.D. eds. (1999) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th Ed. American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.

Klute, A. and Dirkson, C. (1982) Methods of Soil Analysis. Part I- Physical and mineralogical methods. Soil Science Society ofAmerica,Madison,Wisconsin.

Michael S. Morgan (1997) The Biological Exposure Indices: A Key Component in Protecting Workers from Toxic Chemicals, Environ Health Perspectives, 105 (Suppl 1):105-115

NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods ( (NMAM)

OSHA Sampling and Analytical Methods ( dts/sltc/methods/ )

USEPA. Monitoring and Assessing Water Quality (follow associated links)

WHO. 2003. Assessing microbial safety of drinking water: improving approaches and methods. water_sanitation_health/dwq/9241546301/en/print.html


Benchmarking: The Universityof Arizona