Introduksi Studi Wanita

Diskripsi Perkuliahan

Studi Wanita adalah bidang kajian yang interdisiplin yang mencari pengetahuan tentang pengalaman, kondisi sosial, dan aspek politik maupun ekonomi yang terjadi pada perempuan baik di masa kini maupun di masa lalu. Women  feminis di Universitas  yang berperan pada pendidikan / pengajaran dan materi kuliahan diciptakan untuk membantu mahasiswa mengerti, memahami konsep gender. Disamping materi bacaan, film-film terpilih dipergunakan sebagai materi untuk mempelajari sebagian sejarah dan pengalaman hidup perempuan di Indonesia maupun di dunia. Dengan gender sebagai  kata kunci, akan ditelaah isu-isu sekitar budaya patriarkhi, kesukuan, kelas, seksualitas, globalisasi, ekonomi politik dan pembangunan.

Di akhir perkuliahan diharapkan mahasiswa mampu untuk:

•  Mendapatkan pengertian bagaimana gender dan konsepsi gender itu membentuk   identitas individu, institusi sosial, hubungan pribadi, dan distribusi kekuasaan di masyarakat.

•  Mengartikulasi issue-isue gender, kesukuan, seksualitas dan kelas serta kedudukan  dan status perempuan, serta solusi feminis

•  Mempelajari, menganalisa, mempertanyakan, mengkritisi kehidupan kita sendiri sebagai perempuan

•  Berpindah dari ruang lokal ke ruang global dengan membiasakan diri berkecimpung dalam gerakan perempuan yang beragam dan kontribusi serta suara perempuan di seluruh dunia.

•  Menyadari bahwa kebijakan tidak lagi hanyalah efek lokal, namun berefek holistik semua untuk kehidupan, ekonomi, pasar, pemerintahan dan ekosistim saling ketertarikan satu sama lain.

•    Mampu mengambil keputusan apa yang dibutuhkan dari diri kita sendiri, dari orang banyak dan dari Pemerintah.


Perkuliahan mencakup kuliah, dosen tamu, kegiatan membaca literature bacaan, film, sharing pengalaman diskusi dan tugas dalam kelompok, proyek individu sharing, diakhir perkuliahan,  penerapan  asumsi yang penting bahwa  bersana-sama mahasiswa belajar sebagai komunitas yang kritis, mahasiswa akan mampu berkolaborasi serta mampu membangun pengertian, pengetahuan tentang studi wanita serta membagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman pribadi di masyarakat (Benchmarking: Vancouver University).




Dosen :

  1. Hesti R Wijaya.PhD.,Ir
  2. Prof.Dr.Ir. Keppi Sukesi
  3. Dr.Ir. Yayuk Yuliati.MS
  4. Dr.Ir. Harsuko Riniwati.MP



Adams, Abigail. “To John Adams” 31 March – 5 April 1776.

Allison, Dorothy. “A Question of Class” in Skin.
Anzaldua, Gloria. “How to tame a wild tongue” in Borderlands.
Black, Jan Knippers. “Preface” & “Introduction: No Place to Call Home” in Inequity in the Global Village:
Chang, Grace. “Immigrants and Workfare Workers: Employable but “Not Employed” in Disposable Domestics.
Chowdhury, Kanishka. “It’s All Within Your Reach: Globalization and the Ideologies of Postnationalism and Hybridity.”
Collins, Patricia. “The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same: African-American Women
and the New Politics of Containment” in Fighting Words.
De Beauvoir, Simone. Extract: “The Second Sex,” in Maggie Humm, ed. Modern Feminisms.
Faludi, Susan. “Introduction: Blame It on Feminism.”
Franke, Katherine M. 1997. “What Does a White Woman Look Like? Racing and Erasing in Law,” in
Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic, eds. Critical White Studies.
Friedan, Betty. Extract: “The Problem That Has No Name,” in Charles Lemert, ed. Social Theory.
Frye, Marilyn. “Oppression,” in Lucinda Joy Peach, ed. Women in Culture.
Goldman, Emma: “Preface & Woman’s Suffrage” in Anarchism & Other Essays.
Griffin, Gabriele with Rosi Braidotti “Introduction” in Thinking Differently.
Johnson-Odim, Cheryl. “Common Themes, Different Contexts: Third World Women and Feminism” in Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism.
Kim, Elaine. “Home is where the Han is: a Korean American perspective on the Los Angeles upheavals” in Shen-Wu and Song, eds. Asian American Studies: A Reader.
Kimmel, Michael S. “Masculinity as Homophobia: Fear, Shame and Silence in the Construction of Gender Identity.”
Klein, Naomi: “Patriarchy Gets Funky” in No Logo.
Kristeva, Julia: “What of Tomorrow’s Nation?” in Nations without Nationalism.
Lorber, Judith. “‘Night to His Day’: The Social Construction of Gender.”
Lorde, Audre.”The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house” in Sister Outsider.
Mani, Lata. “Recasting Women.” in Contentious Traditions.
Mani, Lata. “Multiple Mediations: Feminist Scholarship in the Age of Multinational Reception.”
Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. “Introduction” and “”Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourse” in Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism.
Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. “Under Western Eyes” Revisited: Feminist Solidarity through Anticapitalist Struggles” in Feminism without Borders.
Narayan, Uma: “Contesting Cultures” in Dislocating Cultures.
Okin, Susan Moller. “Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?
Prieto, Norma Iglesias. “Introduction & Meeting the Demand” in Beautiful Flowers of the Maquiladora.
Sasen, Saskia. “Global Cities and Survival Circuits” in Ehrenreich & Arlie Hochschild, eds. Global Woman.
Shiva, Vandana: “Mad Cows and Sacred Cows” in Stolen Harvest.
So, Connie Ching. “The Color Yellow: Working class Asian American Women & Feminism.”
Steinem, Gloria. “The Way We Were-and Will Be,” in Miriam Schneir, ed. Feminism in our Time.
Tetreault, Mary Kay with Frances Maher. “They got the paradigm and painted it white: maximizing the learning environment in higher education classrooms.”
“The Combahee River Collective Statement.”
Wolf, Naomi. “The Beauty Myth & Beyond the Beauty Myth” in Beauty Myth.
Yamada, Mitsuye: “Invisibility Is an Unnatural Disaster: Reflections of an Asian American Woman.”

Futnam Thong, Rosemarie. “Feminist Thought” Pengantar Paling Konperehensif Kepada Arus Utama Pemikiran Feminis.