Field lecture: News Environmental Systems course and its analysis  “Analysis of Ecosystem Management in Agriculture and Fisheries on Pulau Poteran Island, Sumenep Regency”

Agriculture and fishing are the main economic and livelihood backbones for the inhabitants of Poteran Island. However, less sustainable ecosystem management practices have the potential to cause significant ecological and economic losses. Therefore, the Master’s Program in Environmental Resource Management and Development (PSLP), through the Environmental Systems and Analysis course, carried out a visit with students at agricultural locations on Poteran Island and Sumenep regency on October 15–16, 2023. Students made observations, and the accompanying lecturer, Maharani Pertiwi K. S.Si., Mb. Biotech., Ph.D.,  gave an explanation related to the condition of agricultural ecosystems. Furthermore, students conducted interviews with farmers to explore information related to agricultural systems.

Information in the form of primary Data obtained through in-depth interviews with farmers related to agriculture and Fisheries. Interviews were conducted to gain first-hand views and experiences from relevant farmers, exploring challenges, opportunities, and practices used in maize farming in the region. Furthermore, students also explore secondary data through literature studies. The combination of information obtained from interviews as primary data, together with information from literature studies as secondary data, is expected to provide a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the agricultural situation in Palasa Village, enabling the identification of relevant solutions and recommendations to improve agricultural sustainability and the welfare of local communities in analyzing economic, environmental, and social aspects. The economic aspect is the calculated revenue-cost ratio and Benefit Cost Ratio with economic characteristics obtained through interviews.

The field lectures that have been conducted are expected to provide understanding, experience, and practice for students to be able to analyze the sustainability of agricultural and fishery ecosystems on Poteran Island, Sumenep Regency. The analysis of agricultural sustainability is carried out through three main indicators, namely the increase in farm income, environmentally friendly agricultural management, and increasing the ability of farmers in agriculture. Meanwhile, fishery sustainability analysis includes an assessment of the increase in fishermen’s income, environmentally friendly Fishery Management, and improvements in the ability of fishermen to carry out fishery activities. Thus, this data analysis aims to measure the economic, environmental, and social sustainability within the agricultural and fishing sectors in the area. This conclusion shows the focus given to the importance of maintaining a balance between economic growth, environmental conservation, and improving social welfare for the farming and fishing communities on Poteran Island.