Announcement of Interview Results for PMDSU International Publication Quality Improvement Scholarship (PKPI) Year 2023 Batch 2

Following up on the letter of the Director of Resources of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology number 4431/E4/DT.04.02/2023 dated August 31, 2023, Announcement of Interview Results for the PMDSU Batch VI International Publication Quality Improvement Scholarship (PKPI) Year 2023 Batch 2, based on the results of the interview selection of the PKPI-PMDSU scholarship team at the Directorate of Resources, the name lists of the participants who receive the PKPI scholarship are:

No. Name Student’s ID Number Study program Destination university
1 Naila Izzatul Mukhoyyaroh 227090123011003 S3 Biologi Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
2 Dien Amalina Nur Asrofi 227020123011002 S3 Ilmu Ekonomi Macquarie University


The Director of Resources of the Directorate General of Higher Education will be invited to attend the next selection stage, namely the pre-departure workshop. This pre-departure workshop must be accompanied by all prospective PKPI scholarship recipients (the implementation schedule and media used will be announced later). Therefore, we advise the participants to immediately complete the following requirements for departure abroad:

  1. Letter of permission to carry out PKPI PMDSU activities from the Director of the Postgraduate School (original).
  2. Letter of Acceptance (LoA) from the PKPI-PMDSU destination university/partner (original);
  3. Curriculum Vitae (format attached)
  4. Photocopy of ID Card (KTP)
  5. Departure and Arrival plan (date of departure and arrival); and
  6. Letter of agreement (format attached).

All complete documents for departure abroad, as referred to above, please immediately submit to the Foreign Service Travel (PDLN) admin at Brawijaya University. Additional documents that must be completed for the processing of a financing Guarantee Letter are as follows:

  1. Letter of Acceptance (LoA) from the destination university / partner that includes the amount of fees to be paid by the Directorate General of Diktiristek (If any, and according to the provisions);
  2. Departure and Arrival plan (format attached)
  3. Proposed/invoice of health insurance financing,
  4. Proposed/invoice for quarantine and PCR test (if required); and
  5. Visa fee proposal/invoice.

The above additional documents can be sent faster via email to, cc with the subject “Permohonan Guarantee Letter PKPI-PMDSU 2023_nama” no later than 8 September 2023.

Thank you for your attention