Malang, February 19th, 2018

Spekears               :

  1. Dr. I Nengah Putra Apriyanto, ST., M.Han
  2. Dr. Fariana Prambandari, S.Hut., M.Si.

Moderator             :

Dr. Setyo Widagdo, SH., M.Hum

Participants           :

  1. Mahasiswa Program Magister Wawasan Pertahanan Nasional
  2. Mahasiswa Program Magister Pengelolaan  Sumberdaya Lingkungan Dan Pembangunan
  3. Mahsiwa Program Doktor Studi Ketahanan
  4. Mahasiwa Program doctor Ilmu Lingkungan
  5. Dosen Pascasarjana Universitas Brawijaya

Description           :

Social resilience is: A community’s ability to cope with risks due to social, economic and political change. A community has social resilience when (a) is able to effectively protect its members including individuals and families vulnerable to social change; (b) able to make social investments in social networks, (c) able to develop effective mechanisms for managing conflict and violence; (d) able to develop local wisdom in utilizing natural resources. (Kepmensos No. 12 / HUK / 2006).

Indonesia is the largest archipelagic state  in the world consisting of about 18,000 large and small islands. The total territory of the republic of Indonesia Unitary State is 1.937 million square kilometers of land, and 3.1 million kilometers of territorial sea, and the sea area of ZEE (Exclusive Economic Zone) 2.7 million square kilometers. Indonesia’s vast ocean area reaches approximately 3.1 million kilometers of marine territorial as well as an area of exclusive economic zone (ZEE) of 2, 7 million kilometers of sea, with total sovereignty of the State of Indonesia as much as 5, 8 kilometers. In addition to the high potential of natural resources and marine resources to sustain development, it also poses high potential threats in the form of natural threats (earthquakes and sunami) as well as social threats (piracy, robbery, smuggling, fish theft, trafficking, etc.).

Maritime Security is a maritime condition or an ocean of Indonesia that still exist and can provide the greatest support for the prosperity of the Indonesian nation despite experiencing human and natural disasters.

The general lecture on social resilience and maritime resilience and book launch aims to inform and improve knowledge for students and lecturers, in the field of social resilience and maritime resilience and exchange and share the results of their knowledge and experiences on many aspects in the field of social resilience and maritime security.

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