Bappenas Online Academic Potential Test (TPA) Score Results 29 June 2024 – UB Postgraduate School UB Malang & Bappenas Online TPA Test Schedule T.A 2024

Score results can be downloaded here:



Academic Potential Test Certificates can be taken at the UB Postgraduate School (near UB coffee / KPRI) 2 weeks from the test date.


Schedule of BAPPENAS Academic Potential Test of UB Postgraduate School Malang T.A 2024

  • Period 1 TPA Bappenas           Saturday, 20th January 2024
  • Period 2 TPA Bappenas           Saturday, 24th February 2024
  • Period 3 TPA Bappenas           Saturday, 23th March 2024
  • Period 4 TPA Bappenas           Saturday, 27th April 2024
  • Period 5 TPA Bappenas           Saturday, 18th May 2024
  • Period 6 TPA Bappenas           Saturday, 29th June 2024
  • Period 7 TPA Bappenas           Saturday, 27th July 2024
  • Period 8 TPA Bappenas           Saturday, 24th August 2024
  • Period 9 TPA Bappenas           Saturday, 28rd September 2024
  • Period 10 TPA Bappenas           Saturday, 26st October 2024
  • Period 11 TPA Bappenas           Saturday, 23th November 2024
  • Period 12 TPA Bappenas           Saturday, 21th December 2024


Host: UB Postgraduate School

Website :

Registration location/place : Postgraduate School, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

Address : Jl. MT. Haryono No.169, Ketawanggede, Kec. Lowokwaru, Malang City, East Java 65145

Contact Person: Teguh Srianto/081334227676