Wednesday, February 14th,  2018

Building 2nd Floor  of Postgraduate Brawijaya University


 Speakers             :

  1. Yovianus Toni (APIK USAID)
  2. Ir. Indra Gita, MM (BPBD Kota Malang)
  3. Ir. H. Bambang Irianto (Glintung go Green)
  4. Dr. rer. Nat., Arief Rachmansyah (Postgraduate Brawijaya University)

Moderator           :   Arief Riyadi, ST., M.Ling

Participants        :

  1. Postgraduate Student of Environmental of Brawijaya University (Magister dan Doctor)
  2. Environmental Engineering Student of Brawijaya University
  3. Malang Institute of Agriculture Student
  4. Postgraduate Student Communication Forum
  5. Glintung go Green
  6. USAID
  7. Choosen Lecturer  of Brawijaya University

Description         :

Environmental Discussion Forum is an activity that is expected to be a trigger application of science and cooperation of students of Environmental Resource Management and Development with environmental practitioners, environmental organizations, government and academics in environmental resource management. The theme of disaster was chosen given the increasing of disaster intensity due to climate change phenomenon that occurred in Indonesia during 2017, especially in urban areas.

Based on the above conditions it is necessary to make efforts to adapt to climate change, namely efforts to adjust to the impact of climate change that has occurred, especially in urban areas. Urban areas are vulnerable areas (eg floods and landslides), if development planning is not based on disaster-prone areas. Therefore, it is needed understanding, application and planning of urban development based on disaster, as a form of mitigation of climate change adaptation impact that happened to be discussed in Environmental Discussion Forum.

The Environmental Discussion Forum aims to enrich insights, sharing knowledge and experiences, providing ideas and solutions, among practitioners, experts, and academics in the case of urban development based on disaster. This will increase the capacity of students in the field of environmental science applications and strategies in applying science directly based on real problems in the field. In addition, information from practitioners will also be a stimulant that can accelerate the development of environmental resource management and development of science at the root of the problem in society. Furthermore, the existence of this activity is expected to be established by various parties, especially post graduate students with organizations, institutions, agencies and other related parties to apply the sciences obtained, so as to provide benefits directly to the community and become the first step to be able to provide activities which is beneficial and sustainable, especially in the environmental section in Indonesia.