Enrollment Information

Master and Doctoral Program applicant should propose a written enrollment request by filling the enrollment form addressed to the Director of Graduate Program, University of Brawijaya, Jl. Mayjen Haryono 169 Malang 65145. It should be supplemented with:

1. Copy of legalized Bachelor Degree  or Master Certificate.

2. Copy of legalized Bachelor Degree  or Master  Transcript.

3. Recommendation letter from 2 (two) qualified person which  explain the academic eligibility of applicants.

4. Study permit from institution, if the applicants has being employed.

5. Testimonial letter of funding resources and study guarantor.

6. Curriculum vitae (free format).

7. Certificate of Health (from medical doctor/public health center/hospital).

8. Copy of TOEFL certificate.

9. Copy of TPA BAPPENAS certificate.

10. Draft of master thesis proposal (1 copy).

11. Recent identification photograph sized 4 x 6 cm (4 copies)

12. Enrollment payment to Graduate Program, University of Brawijaya Enrollment and Registration Division

Requirements number 1 s/d 9 submitted in triplicate (3 copies).

Student Admission  Dortoral and Master Program conducted by the Selection Committee in below steps.

  • Enrollment
  • Selection, includes administration and interview
  • Admission announcement, available online or directly inform to the applicants
  • Registration, accepted student oblige to register and pay the tuition fee
  • Pre-Enter Training (PET), obligatory program before the semester begin to equalize the competents of student and as evaluation for student admission

Enrollment Form