ANNOUNCEMENT: Student Travel Reimbursement Fee for Domestic Scholarship Recipients Ministry of Education, Research and Technology Fiscal Year 2023 Phase II



Hereby informed that on Friday, December 19, 2023, the disbursement process has been carried out for the cost of replacing the official travel of domestic scholarship recipients of the Ministry of Education, Research and technology for fiscal year 2022 Phase II (period May-September) of fiscal year 2023 with contract number: 1.5703/E4/DT.04.02 / 2023 (October 17, 2023), the names of the recipients of the above official travel reimbursement are (attached).

If within 2 times 24 hours the funds in question have not been received in their respective accounts, please immediately report to the secretariat of scholarship building a PsUB second floor during working hours.



Daftar Nama Penerima Penggantian Perjalanan Pulang Tahun 2023 Tahap 2