
 The Brawijaya University Postgraduate School (SP UB)  was  founded in 1981 in the form of collaboration between Brawijaya University and Gajah Mada University to organize the UGM – UNIBRAW Credit Collection Activity Program (KPK). This program aims to assist Unibraw in planning and implementing postgraduate education independently.

Currently  SP  UB has 3 Master’s Study Programs, 1 Doctoral Study Program and 1 Doctoral Interest, namely: Master’s Program in Environmental and Development Resource Management (PSLP), Master’s Program in Women’s Studies (PMKW), Master’s Program in National Defense Insights (Wasantanas) , Doctor of Environmental Sciences (PDIL) and Law Doctoral Program Interested in Resilience Studies.

SPUB already has two Study Programs with Superior Accreditation Certificates, namely the  Masters Program in Environmental Resource Management and Development (PSLP)  and  the Masters Program in Women’s Studies (PMKW) .

SP  UB provides  various facilities to support academic activities, such as Hybrid lecture  rooms, SPUB reading rooms, Integrated Science and Technology (Science) and Social Humanities (Soshum) laboratoriesprayer rooms in Building A and Building B of SPUB, environmental related training (AMDAL, LCA , KLHS, and K3), WiFi, service desk and waiting room, and Disability  Services.

SPUB has a strategic location because it is close to existence of other supporting facilities such as Employee Cooperatives (KPRI). ATMs, UB Merchandise and Creative (UB Merch), and KPRI Canteen.