Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan

Course Objective:

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: (1) define or describe the concepts, basic methods, and analytical approaches used in biophysical and socioeconomic impact assessment; (2)  Design a basic impact assessment study, usually at the local level,  Design appropriate field studies or social research,  Design an framework for analyzing relevant data, Report on the study results using accepted environmental impact statement (EIS) formats, Make a presentation of your work at a level suitable for a public forum. (3)  Appreciate the importance of the public/social, administrative, regulatory and practitioner contexts in which impact assessment occurs. (4). Understand and critically analyze key factors in the impact assessment area: the ways in which biophysical and social impacts are linked, the role of various actors in impact assessment processes, the work or role of corporate groups or clients and consultants, the place of science in impact assessment, impact assessment as a tool for social change or environmental protection, and the special concerns of Native communities and other social groups

Setelah selesai mengikuti mata kuliah ini (pada akhir semester) diharapkan mahasiswa juga mampu untuk: (1). Memahami konsep-konsep AMDAL, (2). Menjelaskan kembali beberapa kaidah dan prinsip dan prosedur AMDAL, (3). Melakukan simulasi Penyusunan AMDAL.

Pokok bahasan meliputi:  Pendahuluan: Terminologi; Peraturan perundangan terkait; AMDAL dan kegunaannya.  Dampak Lingkungan dan Risiko Lingkungan: Dampak Fisik dan kimia, Dampak Biologis, Dampak sosial-ekonomi, Dampak sosial-budaya, Risiko lingkungan dan pengelolaannya.   Metode pendugaan & penyajian DAL:  Teknik dan metode pendugaan,  Model kuantitatif dalam pendugaan,  Sistem informasi DAL.   Variabel dampak lingkungan dan Baku Mutu Lingkungan:  Variabel Terrestrial,  Variabel Akuatik,  Variabel udara, Variabel Human- interface.  Pendugaan dampak lingkungan (DAL): Dasar penetapan dampak,   Prinsip pendugaan dampak,  Lingkup pendugaan,  Prosedur pendugaan,  Teknik Penyajian.  Pendugaan DAL:   Metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif pendugaan dampak lingkungan, Langkah-langkah dalam pendugaan dampak,  Hal-hal khusus dalam pendugaan,   Pendekatan ekonomi-ekologi,  Penyajian dampak lingkungan. Analisis ekonomi dalam pendugaan DAL: a. Pembangunan; dampak lingkungan dan peran analisis ekonomi, Aspek ekonomi dampak lingkungan, Teknik-teknik yang dapat digunakan, Metode valuasi yang dapat digunakan, Keterbatasan instrumen-instrumen analisis. Analisis ekologi dalam pendugaan DAL: Pembangunan ,dampak lingkungan dan peran analisis ekologi, Aspek ekologi dampak lingkungan, Teknik-teknik yang dapat digunakan, Metode valuasi yang dapat digunakan, Keterbatasan instrumen-instrumen analisis.  Analisis sosial dalam pendugaan DAL: Pembangunan ,dampak lingkungan dan peran analisis sosial, Aspek sosial dampak lingkungan, Teknik-teknik yang dapat digunakan, Metode valuasi yang dapat digunakan, Keterbatasan instrumen-instrumen analisis. Alternatif dan rencana pengelolaan:  Pengertian dan  kedudukan Rencana Pengelo-laan Lingkungan (RKL),  Sistem pengelolaan .  RKL:  Pengertian dan batasan,  Regulasi RKL,  Implementasi pengelolaan.   Pemantauan dampak lingkungan:  Pengertian dan batasan, Kegunaan pemantauan,  Tipe-tipe pemantauan.   RPL:  Prosedur pemantauan,  Lingkup dan pelaksanaan pemantauan



1)        Asian Development Bank. 1997. Environmental Impact Assessments for Developing Countries in Asia, Vol 1: Overview. Online at Environment_Impact/default.asp.

2)        Betsill, M. M., 2001: Mitigating climate change in US cities: Opportunities and obstacles. Local Environment, 6, 393-406.

3)        Burdge, Rabel J. 1999. A Community Guide to Social Impact Assessment, Revised Edition. Middleton, WI: Social Ecology Press.

4)        Cushman, R. M. and S. B. Jones, 2002: The relative importance of sources of greenhouse-gas emissions: Comparison of global through subnational perspectives. Environmental Management, 29, 360-372.

5)        Dixon, John A. and Maynard M. Hufschmidt. 1986. Economic Valuation Techniques for the Environment: A Case Study Workbook. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

6)        Hufschmidt, M.M. and David James, A.D. Meister, B.T. Bower, J.A. Dixon.1983. Environment, Natural Systems, and Development: An Economic Valuation Guide. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

7)        Jain, R. and L.V. Urban, G.S. Stacey, H. Balbach. 2002. Environmental Assessment, 2nd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.

8)        Juvik, Sonia P. and James O. Juvik, Thomas H. Paradise Juvik. 1999. Atlas of Hawaii, 3rd Edition. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

9)        Knuth, S. E., 2006: Partnerships for local climate change mitigation: Connecting county governments and stakeholders in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. M.S. thesis, Department of Geography, The Pennsylvania State University, 198 pp.

10)    Morris, Peter and Riki Therivel (eds). 2000. Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment: London: Spon Press.

11)    Nagle, B. J., 2005: Local Mitigation of greenhouse gases: Informing the development of a mitigation action plan for the University Park campus of The Pennsylvania State University. M.S. thesis, Department of Geography, The Pennsylvania State University, 84 pp.

12)    Noble, Bram F. 2006. Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment. Don Mills: Oxford University Press.

13)    Steuer, C. J., 2004: A greenhouse gas emissions inventory and projection for the University Park campus of the Pennsylvania State University. M.S. thesis, Department of Geography, The Pennsylvania State University, 194 pp.

14)    Stewart J. M. P. and Sinclair, A.J. 2007. Meaningful Public Participation in Environmental Assessment: Perspectives from Canadian participants, proponents, and government. Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management. Vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 161-183. (Use the UW Library’s E-Journals Site to find this:

15)    Vanclay, F. 2006. Principles for Social Impact Assessment: A critical comparison between the international and US documents Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Vol. 26, No. 1, 3-14. (Use the UW Library’s E-Journals Site to find this: