Hasil Penelitian


Daftar Penelitian Dosen Program Studi Pascasarjana Universitas Brawijaya

NO.Research TitleResearcherTahun
1Analisis Kolaborasi Para Pemangku Kepentingan Terhadap Pengembangan Ekowisata Berkelanjutan pada Kawasan Konservasi Clungup Mangrove Conservation (CMC) Sendangbiru, Kabupaten MalangProf.Dr. Moh. Khusaini, S.E., M.Si., M.A.2023
2Identifikasi Muzakki dan Mustahiq untuk Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Zakat di Kota MalangNurul Badriyah, SE., ME.2023
3Daya Saing Kawasan Wisata Pantai Melalui Pemetaan Indeks Status Keberlanjutan di Pesisir Jawa TimurDr.Ir. Anthon Efani , MP.2023
4Analisis Rencana Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Lingkungan Hidup dalam Upaya Mewujudkan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan pada Usaha Budidaya Tambak di Jawa TimurProf. Dr. Ir. Harsuko Riniwati, MP2023
5Analisis Persebaran Terumbu Karang Berbasis Citra Satelit Sentinel 2-A di Perairan Pejarakan, BaliIr. Bambang Semedi, M.Sc., Ph.D.2023
6Proyeksi Kinerja Perbankan Indonesia Pasca Pandemi dan Menghadapi Krisis Iklim: Pendekatan ArimaSetyo Tri Wahyudi, SE.,M.Ec.,Ph.D2023
7Strategi Keberlanjutan Perkebunan Kopi Rakyat di Kecamatan Wagir, Kabupaten MalangDr.Ir. Rita Parmawati., SP., ME., ASEAN Eng2023
8Analisis Kondisi Lingkungan dan Animal Walfare Rusa pada Penangkaran Eks-Situ Di Jawa TimurProf. Dr. Ir. Gatot Ciptadi, DESS., IPU., ASEAN Eng.2023
9Eksplorasi Potensi Bahan Aktif Berkhasiat Antioksidan pada Daun Mangrove Sonneria Alba dari Perairan ProbolinggoDr.Ir. Hartati Kartikaningsih, M.Si.2023
10Pemahaman Perempuan Terhadap Akulturasi Budaya Sebagai Identitas Desa Pesanggrahan, Kutorejo, MojokertoDr. Dra. Lilik Wahyuni, M.Pd.2023
11Rekonstruksi Hukum Prinsip Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia dalam Penataan Urusan dan Perangkat Daerah yang Berperspektif PancasilaProf. Dr. Rachmad Safa`at, SH., M.Si.2023
12Konstruksi Hukum Transisi Energi Cangkang Kelapa Sawit di Indonesia dalam Menopang Ketahanan Energi Nasional (Studi di Kalimantan Tengah)Dr. Adi Kusumaningrum, S.H.2023
13Analisis Keberlanjutan Farming Digital Technology Adoption dalam Mewujudkan Ketahanan Pangan di Jawa TimurBunga Hidayati, S.E.,M.E.,Ph.D2023
14Pengembangan Protokol Deteksi Staphylococcus Aureus Berbasis Molekuler di Lingkungan Sarana KesehatanMaharani Pertiwi K., S.Si.,M.Biotech.,Ph.D2023
15Valuasi Ekonomi Ekosistem Hutan DI Bedengan, Desa Selorejo Kabupaten MalangFitri Candra Wardana, SE, M.ACC2023
16Kajian Etika Lingkungan Wisatawan dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan Bumi Perkemahan Bedengan di Desa Selorejo, Kecamatan Dau, Kabupaten MalangDr. Dini Atikawati S.PD., M.SC.2023
17Pemanfaatan Google Earth Engine untuk Memantau Perubahan Luasan Hutan Mangrove di ProbolinggoIr. Bambang Semedi, M.Sc., Ph.D.2022
18Analisis Tingkat Sensivitas Inflasi pada Penyaluran Kredit UMKM: Pendekatan Analisis Keseimbangan (Equilibrium)Setyo Tri Wahyudi, SE.,M.Ec.,Ph.D2022
19Pengembangan Model dan Analisis Keuntungan Zero Waste Integrated Farming System di Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian dan Perdesaan Swadaya (P4S) Bengkel Mimpi Kabupaten MalangDr.Ir. Rita Parmawati., SP., ME., ASEAN Eng2022
20Perencanaan Pengembangan Pariwisata Berbasis Lingkungan dan Partisipasi Masyarakat (Ecotourism) di Jawa TimurProf.Dr. Moh. Khusaini, S.E., M.Si., M.A.2022
21Adaptasi Perubahan Iklim dan Livelihoods Output Nelayan Kecil di Jawa TimurDr.Ir. Anthon Efani , MP.2022
22Kepercayaan Publik dan Kapasitas Kebijakan di Masa Krisis (Studi Atas Respon Masyarakat dan Performa Kebijakan Publik Dampak Covid-19 Terhadap Pengangguran di Indonesia)”Fadillah Putra, S.Sos., M.Si., M.P.Aff., Ph.D.2022
23Biologi Perikanan dan Kualitas Mutu Ikan Tuna yang di Daratkan di TPI Sendangbiru Sebagai Upaya Ketahanan Pangan Bagi MasyarakatDr.Ir. Hartati Kartikaningsih, M.Si.2022
24Kondisi Penangkaran Rusa di Wilayah Jawa Timur Berdasar Status Lingkungan, Sistem Reproduksi, Nutrisi dan Struktur PopulasiProf. Dr. Ir. Gatot Ciptadi, DESS., IPU., ASEAN Eng.2022
25Pemetaan Daerah Terdampak Banjir Rob dan Analisis Kerugian Akibat Banjir Rob di Kecamatan Kraksaan, Kabupaten ProbolinggoIr. Bambang Semedi, M.Sc., Ph.D.2022
26Analisis Dinamika Kualitas Air dan Keberadaan Patogen Pada Tandon Air Budidaya untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Tahap Persiapan Air pada Budidaya Vaname Millenial Shrimp FarmingAndi Kurniawan, S.Pi., M.Eng. D.Sc2022
27Formulasi Model Upaya Mengurangi Daya Rusak Gas di TPA Wisata EdukasiTalang Agung Kab. MalangProf. Dr. Marjono, M.Phil2021
28Efektivitas Penanganan Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga di Kota Surabaya pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 oleh Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan Perlindungan Anak dan Kependudukan Provinsi Jawa TimurDr.Dra. Alifiulahtin Utaminingsih, M.Si2021
29Konsep Community Based Tourism dalam Pengelolaan Ekowisata Bahari dan Implikasinya Terhadap Ketahanan Masyarakat PesisirProf. Dr. Ir. NUDDIN HARAHAB, MP.2021
30Eksplorasi Biofilm Sebagai Agen Biomonitoring dan Biosorbent Pencemaran Logam Berat di Lingkungan PerairanANDI KURNIAWAN, S.Pi., M.Eng. D.S2021
31Utilization of Remote Sensing Multi Sensor Satellite Data for Tsunami Run Up Mapping in Serang Beach, Blitar RegencyIr. BAMBANG SEMEDI , M.Sc., Ph.D.2020
32Reconstruction of State Territory Management in the Framework of Maintaining Indonesia's National ResilienceDHIANA PUSPITAWATI , SH., LLM., Ph.D.2020
34FEMINISM AND WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP STYLE IN MADURA (Study on the Head of Bunder Village, Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency)Dr.Dra. ALIFIULAHTIN UTAMININGSIH , M.Si2020
Preparation of the Draft RPJMD for Lamongan Regency in 2021-2026
Fadillah Putra, S.Sos., M.Si., MPAff, Ph.D.2020
36Review of Targets and Achievements for the Measurement of the Social Development Program Index for Research and Development Activities for the Acceleration of Regional Development for the 2020 Fiscal YearFadillah Putra, S.Sos., M.Si., MPAff, Ph.D.2020
37BLITAR CITY Gender Development Index (IPG) and Gender Empowerment Index (IDG)Prof. Dr.Ir.Harsuko Riniwati.MP2020
38Implementation and Evaluation of the Movement for the Acceleration of Rural Poverty Reduction (Galangkesan)Fadillah Putra, S.Sos., M.Si., MPAff, Ph.D.2020
39Analysis of the Sustainability of Agroforestry Systems in Argosari Village Kecamatan Jabung Kabupaten MalangDr. Rita Parmawati, SP., ME2019
40The Role of Women in Democracy and Elections (Case Study there is a Regional Head Election in Pati and Demak Districts) "Dr. Alifiulahtin Utaminingsih, M.Si2019
41Management of Marine Ecotourism and Its Implications for the Economic Resilience of Coastal CommunitiesProf.Dr.Ir. Nuddin Harahab, MP2019
42Inventory of Problems Efforts to Replicate Final Waste Processing Sites (TPA) for Educational Tourism at Talang Agung Malang Regency in Various Assisted CitiesDr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi2019
43Participatory and Sustainable Forest Management Models in Social Forestry DevelopmentDr. Rita Parmawati, SP., ME2019
44Model of Strengthening Traditional Institutions in the framework of Improving the Economy of Village CommunitiesFadillah Putra, MPAff, Ph.D2019
45Compilation of Family-Based Development ModelsFadillah Putra, MPAff, Ph.D2019
46Organic Salak Farming in Ampelgading District, Malang Regency, East Java ProvinceDr. lr. Arninudin Afandhi, MS.2019
47Carbon Footprint of Rice Production on Farmland in Rice Fieldsdi Indonesia: Analisis Data Statistik NasionalMufidah Afiyanti., SP., Ph.D.2018
48Efforts to Optimize the Socialization of the Final Garbage Processing Site (TPA) for Educational Tourism in Talang Agung Malang RegencyDr. Bagyo Yanuwaidi2018
49Women's Participation in Community Based Pujon Kidul Tourism Village DevelopmentDr. Rita Parmawati, SP., ME2018
50Increasing National Insights and Social Resilience in the Context of Integrating Youth Nationalities (Study in Lawang Village, Lawang District, Malang Regency)Dr. Setyo Widagdo., SH., M.Hum2018
51Organic Salak Farming in Ampelgading District, Malang Regency, East Java ProvinceDr. Ir. Aminudin Afandhi, MS2018
52Analysis of the Sustainability of Agropolitan Area Development Based on the Sustainable Livelyhood Approach in Tulungagung RegencyDr. Rita Parmawati, SP., ME2018
53MODIFICATION OF CELLULOSE OF BIOMASSA FOR METHOD OF METAL ION METHODS Cu (II)Siti Mariyah Ulfa, S.Si., M.Sc., Dr. Sc; Dr. Ir. Aminudi Afandhi, MS; Mufidah Afiyanti, SP., Ph.D; Dr. Akira Kikuchi2017
54SUSTAINABLE TOUR DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN TRENGGALEK DISTRICTAmin Setyo Leksono, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D; Dr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi; Dr. Rita Parmawati, SP., ME2017
59EXPPLORATION OF EKOWISATA POTENCY IN PACITANDr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi; Drs. Indarwanto, SH, M.Si2016
60ANALYSIS OF REGIONAL AND HOUSEHOLD FOOD STORAGE PROVINCE EAST JAVAProf. Dr. Zaenal Fanani, MS; Prof. Dr. Abdul Hakim, MS; Dr. Ir. Harsuko Riniwati, MP; Dr. Mukhammad Soleh, SH., M.Hum2016
61IMPLEMENTATION ANALYSIS ON PROTECTION POLICY ON WOMEN AND CHILDRENWike, S.Sos., M.Si., DPA; Dr. Endah Setyowati, S.Sos., M.Si; Dr. Rita parmawati, SP., ME2016
62Structure of Arthropods of Soil at Orange Orchid Plantation (Citrus reticulata) Organic and Semiorganic of Batu CityDr. Ir. Aminudin Afandhi, MS.2015
63School Community Perception on Multifunctional Vegetation for ConservationDr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi2015
64Effect of Supervisor Support on Work Family ConflictWike S. Sos., M.Si., DPA2015
65Engineering of Anti-Corruption Model in Management of Regional Owned EnterprisesDr. Imam Hanafi, S.Sos., M.Si2014
66Utilization of Local Waste Bioactive Compound Waste To Increase Production Of Meat And Vegetables In An Integrated Farming SystemProf. Dr. Tatiek Wardiyati, MS2014
67Selection of Family Population F3 Large Chili Bacterial Resistant and High-yielded ReliefIr. Respatijarti, MS2014
68Policy Scenario of Increasing Agricultural Production Efficiency on Small Scale BusinessDr. Ir. Wahib Muhaimin, MS.2014
69Development of Rural Food Enterprise (Smart Rural Food Enterprise) for Gurem Farmers in the South Cross of East JavaMangku Purnomo, SP., M.Si., Ph.D2014
70Adaptation Test of Organic Tomato Expectation ExpectationDr. Ir. Damanhuri, MS2014
71Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands through Agroforestry: Evaluation of Community Seed Implementation (KBR) and Analysis of Success Factors of Greening Tree Growth on Farmers' LandIr. Didik Suprayogo, M.Sc., Ph.D.2014
72Development of Tolerant Soybean Genotype Against Salinity DisordersProf. Dr. Ir. Syekhfani, MS2014
73Development of Benfit Model Sharing on Economic Benefits of Bromo Highland Commons Resources Utilization for Local Community WelfareProf. Dr. Ir. Kliwon Hidayat, MS.2014
74The Impact of Forest Use To Rubber And Oil Palm Garden To The Reserves Of C And N Soil, And Nitrogen WashProf. Dr. Ir. Zaenal Kusuma, SU2014
75Rural Dairy Industry Based Development: Selection of Superior Seeds Based on Mark G Growth and Milk Production GenesProf. Dr. Sc.Agr. Ir. Suyadi, MS2014
76Alternative Energy Conversion Scenario in Small Trash Final Disposal Site through Transformity Gas MethaneDr. tech. Christia Meidiana, ST., M.Eng.2014
77Application of Non-Destructive Soil Investigation Method on Critical Slope in Preparation of Landslide Hazard Map Map in Batu - PujonDr. rer. nat. Ir. Arief Rachmansyah2014
78Gradient Effect on Porous Asphalt Mixes on Permeability and Marshall PerformanceIr. Ludfi Djakfar, MSCE., Ph.D.2014
79Heat Resistant Insulator (AEROGEL) From Silica SandDr.tech. Christia Meidiana, ST, M Eng2014
80Improved Natural Cooling and Air Quality of Living Home on Densely Populated Settlements through Landscapes of Family Medicinal PlantsDr. Ir. A. Wahid Hasyim, MT2014
81Improved Natural Cooling and Air Quality of Living Home on Densely Populated Settlements through Landscapes of Family Medicinal PlantsAgung Murti Nugroho, ST, MT, Ph.D2014
82Minapolitan Area as Local Economic Development (LED) Approach for People in Coastal Area of Pangkep Regency of South Sulawesi ProvinceDr. Iwan Permadi, SH., M.Hum.2014
83Effect of Giving Anthocyanins from Ipomomea batatas L Purple Varieties To Metabolism Fat, Organ Damage, Liver And Rat Kidney (Rattus novergicus) With High Fat DietDr. dr. Retty Ratnawati, M.Sc2014
84Development of Potential Polysaccharide peptide (Ganoderma lucidum) As Anti Oxidant and Anti-inflammatory: Comprehensive Treatment of Cardiovascular DiseaseProf. Dr. dr. Djanggan Sargowo, Sp.PD.,Sp.JP.(K)2014
85Effect of Endosulfan Giving on Serotonin Expression, Gaba And Cell Apoptosis In Mouse BrainDr. dr. Sri Andarini, M.Kes2014
86Fishery And Marine Resources Empowerment Model In Successing Blue Economic Movement In Coastal South MalangDr. Ir. Harsuko Riniwati, MP2014
87Molecular Character Exploration Peridinin Cell Chlorophyll Microalgae Pigments Nannochloropsis oculata and Halimeda sp: Efforts to Develop Virus Disease Control on Biological Based FishDr. Uun Yanuhar, S.Pi., M.Si.2014
88Molecular Character Exploration Peridinin Cell Chlorophyll Microalgae Pigments Nannochloropsis oculata and Halimeda sp: Efforts to Develop Virus Disease Control on Biological Based FishProf. Ir. Diana Arfiati, MS2014
89Molecular Character Exploration Peridinin Cell Chlorophyll Microalgae Pigments Nannochloropsis oculata and Halimeda sp: Efforts to Develop Virus Disease Control on Biological Based FishProf. Ir. Sukoso, M.Sc., Ph.D.2014
90The cytoprotective effect of Fukosantin Isolated from the Sargassum Chocolate Algae filipendula against Cell DamageDr. Ir. Hartati Kartikaningsih2014
91Identification and Characterization of Acyl Homoserine Lactone Signal Enzyme (AHL) from Indigenous PondsProf. Dr. Ir. Sri Andayani, MS2014
92Metallothionein Expression In Chronic Stomach Ingestion And Stomach Taiwan (Anadonta woodiana) Timbel (Pb) at Sub-Chronic ConcentrationsDr. Ir. Hartati Kartikaningsih2014
93Metallothionein Expression In Chronic Stomach Ingestion And Stomach Taiwan (Anadonta woodiana) Timbel (Pb) at Sub-Chronic ConcentrationsProf. Dr. Ir. Diana Arfiati., MS2014
94Extra Bouyancy Style and Net Eye Eye as an Indicator of the Effectiveness and Selectivity of Purse Seine Fishing in Sampang MaduraDr. Ir. Abdul Rahem Faqih, M.Si2014
95Mangrove Planting Techniques On Critical and Open Land In Efforts to Accelerate Vegetation Growth and Food SecurityDr. Ir. Nuddin Harahab, MP2014
96Characteristics of Bio-Geography and Phylo-Genetic Fish Capture Fisheries East JavaProf.Ir.Marsoedi,Ph.D2014
97Efforts of Derivatization of Furfural Compounds Result of Isolation from Agricultural Biomass into Renewable Energy SourcesDr. Sc. Lukman Hakim, M.Sc2014
98Use of Biopesticides and Plants Refugia Based Local Flora To Increase Productivity of AppleAmin Setyo Leksono, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.2014
99Use of Biopesticides and Plants Refugia Based Local Flora To Increase Productivity of AppleDr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi2014
100Non Timber Forest Product Study (NTFPs) on the Land of Komplangan Perhutani Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, East JavaDr. Jati Batoro, M.Si.2014
101Non Timber Forest Product Study (NTFPs) on the Land of Komplangan Perhutani Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, East JavaDr. Serafinah Indriyani M.Si2014
102Non Timber Forest Product Study (NTFPs) on the Land of Komplangan Perhutani Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, East JavaDr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi2014
103Formulation of Calculation of Commodity Demand Demand by Using Integral Set-Valued FunctionsRatno Bagus Edy W., S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D2014
104Tetrahydrofuran Addition And Its Derivatives As A Secondary Guest Molecule In New Hydrogen-Based Ice Structure VI To Increase Hydrate Stability As A Hydrogen Fuel Storage MaterialDr. Sc. Lukman Hakim, S.Si., M.Sc.2014
105Development of Citrus Seeds With Juvenile Period Short In Vitro And Mass Propagation Using Bioreactor Culture SystemDr. Serafinah Indriyani, M.Si2014
106Utilization of Extracts from Brown Algae As Anti-Cancer Bioactives CompoundProf. Ir. Yenny Risjani, DEA, PhD2014
107Development and Production of Multi Functional Drink and Black-based Suplement Capsules (Mesona palustris BL) as antihyperglycemic, antihipercholesterolemic and antihypertensive (Cooperation with CV Agaricus Sido Makmur Sentosa Lawang)Dian Handayani, SKM.M.Kes., Ph.D2014
108Information Systems And Models Of Water Resource Management (SIMOPEA) Based Digital Elevation Model (DEM) And Digital Map For Potential Mapping, Planning And Conservation Of PLTAAdi Susilo, Ph.D2014
109Analysis of Campaign Management of Waste Waste Utilization into Alternative Fuel Substitute of LPG as an Effort for Institutional Strengthening of Energy Self-Help Unit (Study on TPA Supit Urang in Sukun Malang)Dr. Hamidah Nayati Utami, M.Si2014
110Strategy for Strengthening the Professionalism of Indonesian Migrant Women Candidates (BMI) for HongKong Destination CountryIr. Hesti R. Wijaya, Ph.D2014
111Strategy for Strengthening the Professionalism of Indonesian Migrant Women Candidates (BMI) for HongKong Destination CountryProf.Dr.Ir. Keppi Sukesi, MS2014
112Strategy for Strengthening the Professionalism of Indonesian Migrant Women Candidates (BMI) for HongKong Destination CountryProf.Dr. Suhariningsih, SH.,SU2014
113Strategy for Strengthening the Professionalism of Indonesian Migrant Women Candidates (BMI) for HongKong Destination CountryDr. Ir.Yayuk Yuliati, MS2014
114Strategy for Increasing Women's Participation in Village Barrack Food Program in Malang RegencyDr. Ir. Yayuk Yuliati, MS2014
115Development of Provincial Economic Readiness Index (PERI) as a Measurement Tool for Local Preparedness to Facing Free Trade and Economic IntegrationProf. Dr. Agus Suman, SE., DEA2014
116Energy Efficient Techniques for High-rise Residential Building in Hot-Humid ClimateAgung Murti Nugroho, ST, MT, Ph.D2014
117Energy Efficient Techniques for High-rise Residential Building in Hot-Humid ClimateDr. Ir. A. Wahid Hasyim, MT2014
118Exploration of Bioactival Activity on Mangosteen Skin (Garcinia Mangostana Linn) As Therapi Coronary Heart DiseaseProf. Dr.dr. H.Djanggan Sargowo, Sp.PD, Sp. JP (K) FIHA, FACC, FCAPC2014
119Strengthening Stakeholder Capacity for Increasing Professionalism of BMI Women in Hong Kong Delivery Area in Dealing with Domestic Sector Employment Moratorium 2017Prof. Dr. Ir. Keppi Sukesi, MS2014
120Strengthening Stakeholder Capacity for Increasing Professionalism of BMI Women in Hong Kong Delivery Area in Dealing with Domestic Sector Employment Moratorium 2017Ir. Hesti Rukmiati Wijaya, Ph.D2014
121Strengthening Stakeholder Capacity for Increasing Professionalism of BMI Women in Hong Kong Delivery Area in Dealing with Domestic Sector Employment Moratorium 2017Henny Rosalinda S.IP, MA2014
122Compilation of Mutual Legal Assistance Integrative Model between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and Malaysia in Achieving Legal Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers in MalaysiaProf.Dr.I Nyoman Nurjaya, SH., MS.2014
123Engineering of Anti-Corruption Model in Management of Regional Owned EnterprisesDr. Imam Hanafi, S.Sos., M.Si2014
124Development of Benfit Model Sharing of Economic Benefits of Utilization of Commons Pool Resources Bromo Plateau for Local Community WelfareProf. Dr. Ir. Kliwon Hidayat, MS.2013
125Development of Benfit Model Sharing of Economic Benefits of Utilization of Commons Pool Resources Bromo Plateau for Local Community WelfareMangku Purnomo, SP., M.Sc., Ph.D.2013
126The impact of Forest Use to Rubber and Oil Palm Garden on Reserves C and N Land, and Nitrogen WashingProf. Dr. Ir. Zaenal Kusuma, MS.2013
127Development of Rural Food Enterprise (Smart Rural Food Enterprise) for Gurem Farmers in the South Cross of East JavaMangku Purnomo, SP., M.Si., Ph.D2013
128The Effect of Biourine Applications on Food Crops And Vegetables In Ngujung Farmers' Farm, BatuDr. Ir. Damanhuri, MP2013
129Power Test Result of Expected Tomato Organic ExpectationDr. Ir. Damanhuri, MP2013
130Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands through Agroforestry: Evaluation of Community Seed Implementation (KBR) and Analysis of Success Factors of Greening Tree Growth on Farmers' LandIr. Didik Suprayogo, MSc PhD.2013
131Development of Tolerant Soybean Genotype Against Salinity DisordersProf. Dr. Ir. Syekhfani, MS2013
132Agribusiness Model Development of Cattle-Livestock Integration as an Alternative to People's Miners / Peasants 'Peasants' Businesses to Support Sustainable AgricultureDr. Ir. Yayuk Yuliati, MS.2013
133Increased Egg Productivity through Eco-Friendly Fertilization EfficiencyDr.Ir. Roedy Soelistyono, MS2013
134Important Pest Management of Bioacariside Based Jatropha Curcas: Polyphagotarsonemus sp. Mites sp. (Acari: Tarsonemidae)Dr. Ir. Aminudin Affandhi, MS.2013
135Application of Integrated Technology and Community Intervention in the Framework of Strengthening Local-Based Cattle Industry SystemProf. Dr. Ir. Siti Chuzaemi, MS2013
136Development Strategy of Fat-tailed Sheep (DEG) based on Cassava Plants in the Lowlands and HighlandsProf. Dr. Ir. Siti Chuzaemi, MS2013
137Rural Dairy Industry Based Development: Superior Seed Selection Based on Growth and Milk Production Genes MarkProf. Dr.Sc.Agr. Ir. Suyadi, MS2013
138Vertical Landscape as a Natural Cooling System for Living House Energy Saving in the TropicsAgung Murti Nugroho, ST., MT., Ph.D.2013
139Improving the Quality of Living Environment on Densely Populated Settlements Through Landscape Elements of Family Medicinal PlantsDr.Ir. A. Wahid Hasyim, MT2013
140Improving the Quality of Living Environment on Densely Populated Settlements Through Landscape Elements of Family Medicinal PlantsAgung Murti Nugroho, ST, MT., Ph.D2013
141Minapolitan Area as Local Economic Development (LED) Approach for People in Coastal Area of Pangkep Regency of South Sulawesi ProvinceDr. Iwan Permadi, SH., M.Hum.2013
142Effect of Giving Anthocyanins from Ipomomea batatas L Purple Varieties To Metabolism Fat, Organ Damage, Liver And Rat Kidney (Rattus novergicus) With High Fat DietDr. dr. Retty Ratnawati, MSc2013
143Development of Potential Polysaccharide peptide (Ganoderma lucidum) As Anti Oxidant and Anti-inflammatory: Comprehensive Treatment of Cardiovascular DiseaseProf. Dr. dr. Djanggan Sargowo, Sp.PD.,Sp.JP.(K)2013
144Effect of Endosulfan Giving on Serotonin Expression, Gaba And Cell Apoptosis In Mouse BrainDr. dr. Sri Andarini, M.Kes2013
145Characteristics of Bio-Geography and Phylo-Genetic Fish Capture Fisheries in East JavaIr. Darmawan Ockto S., M.Si.2013
146Characteristics of Bio-Geography and Phylo-Genetic Fish Capture Fisheries in East JavaDr. Ir. Daduk Setyohadi, MP.2013
147Model Empowerment of Human Resources (HR) Fisheries and Marine In Successful Blue Economic Movement In The Coastal Village of Malang RegencyDr. Ir. Harsuko Riniwati, MP2013
148Molecular Character Exploration Peridinin Cell Chlorophyll Microalgae Pigments Nannochloropsis oculata and Halimeda sp: Efforts to Develop Virus Disease Control on Biological Based FishProf. Ir. Sukoso, MSc. Ph.D2013
149Molecular Character Exploration Peridinin Cell Chlorophyll Microalgae Pigments Nannochloropsis oculata and Halimeda sp: Efforts to Develop Virus Disease Control on Biological Based FishProf. Ir. Diana Arfiati, MS2013
150Bioactivity Pure Extracts of Sargassum filipendula as Antitumor (Hela and T47D) and Its Effects on Lymphocyte ProliferationProf. Ir. Sukoso, M.Sc., Ph.D2013
151Bioactivity Pure Extracts of Sargassum filipendula as Antitumor (Hela and T47D) and Its Effects on Lymphocyte ProliferationDr. Ir. Hartati Kartikaningsih2013
152Metallothionein Expression In Chronic Stomach Ingestion And Stomach Taiwan (Anadonta woodiana) Timbel (Pb) at Sub-Chronic ConcentrationsDr. Ir. Hartati Kartikaningsih, MS2013
153Metallothionein Expression In Chronic Stomach Ingestion And Stomach Taiwan (Anadonta woodiana) Timbel (Pb) at Sub-Chronic ConcentrationsProf. Dr. Ir. Diana Arfiati., MS.2013
154Mangrove Planting Techniques On Critical and Open Land In Efforts to Accelerate Vegetation Growth and Food SecurityDr. Ir. Nuddin Harahab, MP2013
155Planning Model of Lemuru Fishing Sustainability Management Based on Ecosystem Approach and Co-Management in Bali StraitDr. Ir. Darmawan Ockto Sutjipto, M.Si2013
156Effectiveness of the Use of Green Flourescent Protein (GFP) as Gene Repoter In Detecting Gene Expression of Gene Transfer Outcome Through Sperm on Mas Fish (Cyprinus carpio)Prof.Ir. Sahri Muhammad, MS2013
157Fortification of the Polyphenol Rich Capsule Extract from Seaweed Chocolate (Sargassum aquifolium) in the Making of Low Glycemic Indexed NoodlesDr. Ir. Muhamad Firdaus, MP.2013
158Study on Utilization of Laylet Fish Resources (Trichiurus spp) in South Sea Waters of East Java: Management Policy Simulation Analysis 2013-2033Dr. Ir. Daduk Setyohadi, MP2013
159Development of Geothermal Energy Conversion System and Exploration in East Java as an Effort to Achieve Energy SecurityProf. Dr. Ir. Soemarno, MS.2013
160Use of Biopesticides and Refugia-Based Local Flora Plants to Increase Productivity of ApplesAmin Setyo Leksono, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.2013
161Use of Biopesticides and Refugia-Based Local Flora Plants to Increase Productivity of ApplesDr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi2013
162Non Timber Forest Product Study (NTFPs) on the Land of Komplangan Perhutani Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, East JavaDr. Jati Batoro, M.Si.2013
163Non Timber Forest Product Study (NTFPs) on the Land of Komplangan Perhutani Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, East JavaDr. Bagyo Yanuwiadi2013
164Calculation Formulation of Average Commodity Demand by Using Integral set-valued functionsRatno Bagus Edy W., S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D2013
165Mapping of Food Security and Vulnerability in East Java Province with Geographic Information System ApproachProf. Dr. Ir. Henny Pramoedyo, M.S.2013
166Tetrahydrofuran Addition And Its Derivatives As A Secondary Viscose Molecule In New Hydrogen-Based Vi Vi Structure To Increase Hydrate Stability As Hydrogen Fuel Storage MaterialsDr. Sc. Lukman Hakim, M.Sc2013
167Local wisdom of Osing Banyuwangi community in garden management and home yard as basis of participatory planning of agroforestry implementationLuchman Hakim, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D.2013
168Development and Production of Multi Functional Drink and Black-based Suplement Capsules (Mesona palustris BL) as antihyperglycemic, antihipercholesterolemic and antihypertensive (Cooperation with CV Agaricus Sido Makmur Sentosa Lawang)Dian Handayani, SKM.M.Kes,P.hD2013
169Good Governance and Anthropology Study on HIV / AIDS Control in Kecamatan Gondanglegi Malang RegencyDr. Sri Herminingrum, M. Hum.2013
170Cultivation of Indonesian Fruit Commodities (Book 1)Ir. Suwasono Hedy, MS2013
171Exploration of Mangosteen Skin Extract Activity (Garcinia Mangostana Linn) As Therapi Coronary Heart DiseaseProf. Dr. dr.H. Djanggan Sargowo, Sp.PD., Sp.JP (K)2013
172Improving the Quality and Quantity of Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) As Advanced Therapies for Regenerating Endothelial Cell Damage in Cardiovascular Disease by Using Xanthones in Mangosteen Skin (Efforts to Utilize Natural Materials Wasted To Be Reliable Phytopharmaca)Prof. Dr. dr.H. Djanggan Sargowo, Sp.PD., Sp.JP (K)2013
173Utilization of Caragenan (Eucheuma sp) as Lactobacillus Acidophilus Microcapsule Product and its Product Application on Functional Instant NoodleDr. Ir. Muhamad Firdaus, MP.2013
174Antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of Acanthus ilicifolius flowerDr. Ir. Muhamad Firdaus, MP.2013