Interdisciplinary Quest for Wisdom
ANNOUNCEMENT OF FUNDING BPPDN 2015, S3 Extension Study 2011 PENGUMUMAN PENCAIRAN DANA BPPDN MABA Angkatan 2015, Perpanjangan Studi S3 Angkatan 2011 dan Perjalanan Pulang Tahun 2015
Hereby informed that the scholarship fund BPPDN (cost of living, the cost of domicile, research costs and the cost of books) for the period September 2015 – February 2016 has been disbursed in:
Date: 20 November 2015
Through the account of each student BPPDN receiver attached.
If within 24 hours two times the funds in question have not been received in the account of each, please immediately notify the scholarship secretariat PPSUB first floor of E Building on work hours
Download the attached data:
- BPPDN S2 & S3 2015 ( September ‘15-February ‘16) phase I
- S3 Extension Study 2011
- The Cost of the return (Phase II)
Dengan ini diinformasikan bahwa dana beasiswa BPPDN (biaya hidup, biaya domisili, biaya penelitian dan biaya buku) untuk periode September 2015 – Februari 2016 telah dicairkan pada :
Hari : Jum’at
Tanggal : 20 November 2015
Lewat rekening masing-masing mahasiswa penerima BPPDN terlampir.
Jika dalam waktu 2 kali 24 jam dana yang dimaksud belum diterima di rekening masing-masing, mohon segera melapor ke sekretariat beasiswa Gedung E PPsUB lantai I pada jam kerja
Unduh data terlampir :