List of Lecturers

Lecturer group headed by a chairman. Chairman of the group of lecturers under and directly responsible to the head of the laboratory. Lecturer group has the task of conducting the Tri Dharma College as supporting the implementation of the tasks department / program of study;

To carry out the tasks referred to in paragraph (1) Group Lecturer has the function:
1. assessment and development RKPS within the scope of the laboratory concerned;

2. research and development of science which it is responsible

Below are the list of lecturers.

NONamaJabatanBidang KeahlianMata Kuliah yang Diampu
Prof.Dr. Abdul Hakim, M.SiGuru BesarBirokrasi dan Manajemen Pelayanan PublikPolitik dan Perubahan Sosial; Analisis Kebijakan dan Pengambilan Keputusan; Sistem Manajemen Nasional
2Prof.Dr. Rachmad Safa’at, SH.,M.SiGuru BesarHukum, Keadilan, dan Penegakan HukumEkonomi Politik Pembangunan; Teori dan Strategi Ketahanan Pangan
3Prof.Dr. Moeljadi, SE.,SUGuru BesarGlobalisasi KetahananGlobalisasi: Ancaman, Peluang dan Tantangan; Sistem Manajemen Nasional
4Prof.Dr. Marjono, M.PhilGuru BesarAnalisis KompleksMetode Penelitian dan Penulisan Tesis
5Prof.Dr. Moh. Fadli, SH.,M.HumGuru BesarHukum Administrasi NegaraTeori Ketahanan Nasional
6Prof.Dr. Setyo Widagdo, SH.,M.HumGuru BesarHukum Perjanjian InternasionalSistem Informasi Sumber Daya Alam dan Politik Pengelolaannya

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