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Postgraduate School

Registration Information

Brawijaya University Postgraduate School (SPUB) accepts new students for even semester 2024/2025.


Magister Program (S2):

– Master Program of Environmental Management and Development

– Master Program of National Security

 – Master Program of Women Studies

Doctoral Program (S3):

– Doctoral Program of Environmental Science
– Doctoral Program of National Resilience Studies

Independent Selection for Doctoral and Masters Programs can be accessed via:

https://www.selma.ub.ac id

Wave I Registration: 12 Feb – 26 Apr 2024

Selection Process at Faculty: 29 Apr  – 17 May 2024
Announcement of Selection Results: 27 May 2024


For further information, please contact 081334227676 / 082257987285

Postgraduate School Journal

 Journal of Indonesian Tourism and Development Studies

Indonesian Journal of Social and Humanity Study

The Journal of Experimental Life Science

 Jurnal Pembangunan dan Alam Lestari

The Indonesian Green Technology Journal


Study Program






