To assure the services and quality of Master Program of Women Studies, Graduate Program, University of Brawijaya and to realize the commitment in giving the excellent services, we conducted some audits as follows:
1. Internal Quality Audit (AIM)
Internal Quality Audit conducted by the Quality Assurance Team of Universiy of Brawijaya.
AIM Cycle 8
Scope of Internal Audit (PDF)
Evaluation Sheet of Report on Internal Audit (PDF)
Valuation of Evaluation Sheet (PDF)
Clarification Evaluation Sheet and Corrective Action (PDF)
AIM Cycle 9 (PDF)
AIM Cycle 10 (PDF)
AIM Cycle 11
Study Program (PDF)
Clarification Evaluation Sheet and Corrective Action Draft (PDF)
Evaluation Sheet of Reports on Internal Quality Audit & incompatibility list (Corrective Action Requirement – CAR) (PDF)
Clarification Evaluation Sheet (click)
AIM Cycle 12
Evaluation Sheet
Implementation of ISO 9001
Excellent Services
Service Requirement (PDF)
Certificate of ISO (PDF)
Manual Quality (PDF)
Job Description (PDF)
External Audit:
- ISO 9001:2008
- Accreditation Visit by BAN PT accreditation team
1. Audit Internal Mutu (AIM)
Audit internal mutu ini dilaksanakan oleh auditor dari Tim Pusat Jaminan Mutu Universitas Brawijaya.
AIM Siklus 8
Ruang lingkup Audit Internal (PDF)
Borang Laporan Audit Internal (PDF)
Borang Penilaian (PDF)
Borang Klarifikasi dan Rencana Perbaikan (PDF)
AIM SIklus 9 (PDF)
AIM Siklus 10 (PDF)
AIM Siklus 11
Program Studi (PDF)
Borang Klarifikasi dan Rencana Tindakan Koreksi (PDF)
Borang Laporan Audit Internal Mutu & Daftar Ketidaksesuaian (Corrective Action Requirement – CAR) (PDF)
Borang Klarifikasi (klik)
AIM Siklus 12
Implementasi ISO 9001
Layanan Prima
Persyaratan Layanan (PDF)
Daftar Keluhan (PDF)
Sertifikat ISO (PDF)
Manual Mutu (PDF)
Tupoksi (PDF)
Audit Eksternal:
- ISO 9001:2008
- Visitasi Akreditasi oleh tim akreditasi BAN PT